Free Flow Friday!!!


Today’s the day where I link you to articles I have saved from the week that I think you might enjoy and benefit from.

It’s Friday.

They’re Free.

You have nothing to lose.




1. 5 Obstacles to a Great Marriage by Ron Edmondson

“The overall goal of marriage is not to make both parties in the marriage like one of the parties.  It’s to make ONE new unit out of the two. Discovering how to blend one flesh out of two different people takes years and requires practice, patience and lots of hard work. Remembering that differences are a part of God’s plan and can actually help us build stronger marriages.”

2. Pictures of Oklahoma Tornado Aftermath by

“Tornadoes can form anytime of year, but occur most frequently in April, May, and June, due to favorable weather conditions. Earlier this week a massive 200-mile-per-hour EF5 tornado hit Moore, Okla., killing some two dozen people, damaging thousands of structures, and causing an estimated $2 billion in damage. This year, twisters have already touched down in Kansas, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, and Alabama.”

3. Three Articles to Help Your Energy Level

8 Ways to Improve Your Sleep from Lifehack

“Allowing yourself adequate sleep should be a no-brainer; it should feel natural to all people and we should reclaim it as our right. Sleep is one of the most important non-negotiable elements in your self-care, but it takes courage to go against the flow of 24/7 alertness and allow your body its necessary rest so that it can rejuvenate.”

How Chocolate Makes You More Productive from Fast Company

“The inference, then, is this: If cocoa supplies your brain with polyphenols, and polyphenols allay anxiety, and anxiety inhibits idea-flow, then mood-elevating chocolate can help your ideas stream out faster.

Conclusion? When you grab your next bar, go dark.”

44 Ways to Boost Your Energy by Michael Hyatt

“Too often, we seem to accept the fact that our energy level is what it is. It’s beyond our control. Not true. Like most things in life, we have more control than we think.”

4. 10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Everyday from Lifehack

“When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits center around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your instant oatmeal packet? If you’re one of countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out: reading has a significant number of benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below.”

5. 7 Honest Church Postcards & 7 More Honest Church Postcards & even 7 More Honest Church Postcards from EchoHub

Funny stuff. So true.

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